Getting Started
Media Clip

Media Clips

From easier document, pending to be updated.

With Media Extended, Media Fragment URI can be used to restrict play range in different types of media, which allows you to create timestamps/media fragments easily.

Here are some examples:

  • internal link: [[test.mp4#t=5,10]]
  • internal embeds: ![[test.mp4#t=5,10]]
  • external link: [5s→10s](http://link/to/test.mp4#t=5,10)`
  • external embeds: ![](http://link/to/test.mp4#t=5,10)`

Media Fragment URI

When specifying the URI of media for an <audio> or <video> element, you can optionally include additional information to specify the portion of the media to play. To do this, append a hash mark # followed by the media fragment description.

A time range is specified using the syntax:


The time can be specified as:

  • a number of seconds (as a floating-point value), such as 121.12
  • as an hours/minutes/seconds or minutes/seconds time separated with colons, such as 02:01.12
    • Minutes and seconds should be within 0-59 and written in two digits, for example, 1:20 or 10:3 is invalid.

when the starttime is absent, it is set to the beginning of the video/audio, while endtime is set to the end by default if absent.

A few examples:,20      // Specifies that the video should play the range 10 seconds through 20 seconds.,10.5      // Specifies that the video should play from the beginning through 10.5 seconds.,02:00:00  // Specifies that the video should play from the beginning through two hours.         // Specifies that the video should start playing at 60 seconds and play through the end of the video.

For more details, see (opens in a new tab)